5 serous risks you take daily in connection with heritage inventory

Do you manage an architectural object? You have a great responsibility to maintain the monument, protect it against the dangers and time elapse. Below some problems which you probably come across at the monument inventory:

  • Necessity to do the inventory before each renovation
  • Risk of not possessing the digital copy of the object in case of catastrophe (e.g. Notre Dame Cathedral)
  • Difficulty in assessing costs and scope of renovation works
  • Risk of object damage when taking measurements in the traditional method
  • Lack of certainty of unbalanced dimensions and complex objects

Despite the fact that awareness of the weight of monuments is increasing still quite a number of them is not adequately inventoried. Above problems can be addressed by inventory of monuments effected by laser scanning or by drone (photogrammetry).

Values which geoprofil.co offers to you?

  • 100% of visible object elements is inventoried – they can be used at any time

  • Possibility to reproduce the damaged elements – thanks to the digital copy of the object

  • Lack of risk of the object damage

  • Easier assessment of renovation costs – you have knowledge of detailed dimensions of each detail

And above all peace – thanks to digital copy of the object you are finally prepared to the unforeseen.

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